Travel Fitness Tips: 8 Ways to Stay in Shape While Traveling


Here are a few of my tried and true tips to help keep the pounds off while still enjoying myself on vacation!

Walk Instead of Drive

Most cities offer a “free walking tour” which is a good way to get your bearings when you arrive. If your next destination is close to where you are, skip the Uber ride and walk instead.

Plan Outdoor Adventures

It’s a great way to get some fresh air, enjoy the scenery, and get some exercise while you’re doing it!

Invest in a Travel Scale

It’s hard to say for sure but the scale really keeps me thinking about the food I’m putting into my body. And it’s allowed me to keep up my normal physique while on the road.

Eat the Local Food

Eat the local food, at the local restaurants. You’ll get delicious food that will probably have a lot of fresh veggies and rice. Your tastebuds and your body will thank you.

Get a Workout in When You Can

When we travel to a new place we usually try to get up early and do as much sightseeing as possible each day. We usually have a long list of attractions to see and not a lot of time to do it.

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