13 Things that Suck About Pregnancy That No One Tells You

It turns out there are lots of lies that moms tell future moms about pregnancy Here are 13 more sucky pregnancy symptoms to be aware of that no one bothers to mention before you’re knocked up!

You Get Fat

Okay, you might be thinking “obviously! But it’s not really fat because it’s with a baby!” But keep in mind that you’ll be gaining 25+ pounds and your baby is only about 7 of those.

You Shouldn’t Actually “Eat for Two”

Literally the ONE thing that I was looking forward to about being pregnant was getting to stuff my face with waffles covered in peanut butter and syrup since I'd be "eating for two". But as it turns out, this is a total myth.

That Brown Line From Your Belly Button to Your Vagina

This line is called the "linea nigra" and it's a very common symptom of pregnancy. It's not totally known why women get this, but it's believed to stem from your changing hormones.

You Have to Pee ALL The Time

I’m not joking. Even when I pee and then stand up to leave, I can usually sit right back again for a second pee.

Only One Sleeping Position is Ideal

You better get used to sleeping in just one position – on your left side. Technically you CAN sleep on your stomach for as long as it’s comfortable, which it isn’t really beyond your first trimester.

You Can Feel the Baby Moving

You’re probably thinking “awwww how in the world does that suck?” Babies are lulled to sleep by movement. so during the night time when you are trying to go to sleep, that's when baby is ready to PAR-TAY!

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